100 Ways to Say Cheers in Other Languages (For Travelers)
After traveling to over 50 countries, I can confidently say that traveling the world is as much about the celebrations as it is about the destinations. While knowing how to say “cheers” in other languages might not be essential for getting around, it certainly adds a festive touch to your travels.
It’s a great way to connect, whether you’re clinking steins at Oktoberfest in Germany with a robust “Prost!” or swirling glasses during a wine tasting in Tuscany, echoing “Salute” with fellow visitors.
These gestures, like raising your glass in a toast, bring people together. In this article, I’ll guide you through how to say “cheers” in 100 different languages. Get ready to toast your way around the world!
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How to Say Cheers in Different Languages
Language | Cheers (English Spelling) | Phonetic Pronunciation |
English | Cheers | Cheers |
Mandarin Chinese | 干杯 (Gānbēi) | Gan-bei |
Hindi | चियर्स (Cheers) | Cheers |
Spanish | Salud | Sah-lood |
French | Santé | Sahn-tay |
Standard Arabic | في صحتكم (Fi ṣiḥṭikum) | Fee sih-ti-kum |
Bengali | জয় (Joy) | Joy |
Russian | За здоровье! (Za zdarovye!) | Za zda-ro-vye |
Portuguese | Saúde | Saw-oo-de |
Urdu | چیئرز (Cheers) | Cheers |
Indonesian | Bersulang | Ber-soo-lang |
German | Prost | Prohst |
Japanese | 乾杯 (Kanpai) | Kan-pai |
Swahili | Afya | Ah-fyah |
Marathi | चियर्स (Cheers) | Cheers |
Telugu | చియర్స్ (Cheers) | Cheers |
Turkish | Şerefe | She-re-fe |
Tamil | வாழ்த்துக்கள் (Vāḻttukkaḷ) | Vazh-thu-kal |
Korean | 건배 (Geonbae) | Gun-bae |
Vietnamese | Dô | Doh |
Italian | Cin cin | Chin chin |
Hausa | Cheers | Cheers |
Thai | ชนแก้ว (Chon kaew) | Chon kaew |
Cantonese | 乾杯 (Gōn būi) | Gon bui |
Persian | به سلامتی (Be salamati) | Beh sa-la-ma-tee |
Gujarati | ચિયર્સ (Cheers) | Cheers |
Polish | Na zdrowie | Na zdro-vye |
Ukrainian | Будьмо! (Budmo!) | Bud-mo |
Punjabi | ਚੀਅਰਸ (Cheers) | Cheers |
Dutch | Proost | Prohst |
Burmese | ဒို့အတူယမကာ (Do a-tu yama) | Doe ah-too ya-ma |
Filipino | Tagay | Tah-guy |
Romanian | Noroc | No-rock |
Egyptian Arabic | في صحتك (Fi ṣiḥtak) | Fee sih-tak |
Malay | Sihat | See-hat |
Uzbek | Олқиш (Olkish) | Ol-kish |
Sindhi | سلامتي (Salamati) | Sa-la-ma-tee |
Amharic | ለጤናህ (Le-tena’h) | Leh teh-nah |
Oromo | Araara | A-raa-ra |
Igbo | Mma | Mmah |
Azerbaijani | Nuş olsun | Noosh ol-sun |
Sundanese | Wilujeng | Wi-loo-jeng |
Kurdish | Felekê | Fe-le-ke |
Moroccan Arabic | صحتين (Saha) | Sa-ha-teen |
Cebuano | Hala bira! | Ha-la bee-ra |
Nepali | चियर्स (Cheers) | Cheers |
Serbo-Croatian | Živjeli | Zhee-ve-lee |
Hungarian | Egészségedre | E-gés-shég-ed-re |
Algerian Arabic | صحتين (Saha) | Sa-ha-teen |
Sinhala | ජයවේවා! (Jayawewa!) | Ja-ya-we-wa |
Northern Kurdish | Şere me | She-re me |
Czech | Na zdraví | Na zdra-vee |
Greek | Γεια μας (Yia mas) | Ya mas |
Chittagonian | জয় (Joy) | Joy |
Zulu | Oogy wawa | Oo-gy wa-wa |
Khmer | ជល់មួយ (Chol muoy) | Chol muy |
Turkmen | Sagbol | Sag-bol |
Kannada | ಚಿಯರ್ಸ್ (Cheers) | Cheers |
Xhosa | Impilontle | Im-pi-lon-tle |
Pashto | چیرس (Cheers) | Cheers |
Somali | Guuleysta | Goo-ley-sta |
Malayalam | ചിയേഴ്സ് (Chiyēṟs) | Chee-ers |
Saraiki | سلامتي (Salamati) | Sa-la-ma-tee |
Hausa (Ghanaian) | Cheers | Cheers |
Uzbek (Northern) | Olkash | Ol-kash |
Yoruba | Eku ori ire | Eh-ku o-ree ee-re |
Oriya | ଚିଅର୍ସ (Cheers) | Cheers |
Fula | Jam tan | Jam tan |
Romanian (Moldovan) | Noroc | No-rock |
Balochi | سلامتي (Salamati) | Sa-la-ma-tee |
Kazakh | Алғыс (Alğıs) | Al-ghis |
Sindhi (Singaporean) | سلامتي (Salamati) | Sa-la-ma-tee |
Hebrew | לחיים (L’chaim) | L’chai-im |
Lao | ສຸກສັນ (Sok san) | Sok san |
Bulgarian | Наздраве (Nazdrave) | Naz-dra-ve |
Tunisian Arabic | صحتين (Saha) | Sa-ha-teen |
Slovak | Na zdravie | Na zdra-vee |
Belarusian | Будзьма! (Budz’ma!) | Budz-ma |
Sesotho | Phuza | Phoo-za |
Lithuanian | Į sveikatą | Ee svei-ka-ta |
Slovenian | Na zdravje | Na zdra-vye |
Latvian | Priekā! | Pree-eh-ka |
Tajik | Ба саломатӣ (Ba salomati) | Bah sa-lo-ma-tee |
Bosnian | Živjeli | Zhee-ve-lee |
Catalan | Salut | Sah-loot |
Croatian | Živjeli | Zhee-ve-lee |
Georgian | გაუმარჯოს (Gaumarjos) | Gau-mar-jos |
Ewe | Dzo | Dzoh |
Macedonian | На здравје (Na zdravje) | Na zdra-vye |
Fijian | Bula | Boo-lah |
Maltese | Evviva | Eh-vee-va |
Tigrinya | ሻዕላ (Sha’la) | Sha-la |
Greenlandic | Kasuutta | Ka-soo-ta |
Montenegrin | Živjeli | Zhee-ve-lee |
Tibetan | བཀྲ་ཤིས་ (Tashi) | Tah-shee |
Tswana | Phuza | Phoo-za |
Luxembourgish | Prost | Prohst |
Quechua | Chiyarimu | Chee-ya-ree-moo |
Shona | Masimirembwa | Ma-see-mee-rem-bwa |
Guarani | Mburichiko | Mbu-ree-chee-ko |
How to Pronounce Cheers in Other Languages
Celebrating with a local toast is always a memorable part of travel. If you need a little extra help with pronouncing ‘cheers’ in different languages, this video has got you covered.
It might not include every language listed above, but it’s a good resource for improving your pronunciation.
Before You Go…
Keep the good vibes going by learning how to say ‘please’ in different languages. It’s a gesture of respect that’s appreciated in any culture.
Explore my guide on saying ‘please’ in 100 languages to expand your travel vocabulary.
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