How to Say Thank You in All Languages (100 Most Common)
Traveling to different parts of the world has taught me how important it is to say “thank you.” This small phrase can make a big difference when you’re meeting new people and experiencing new cultures. Saying thank you in all languages is not just about good manners; it’s a way to show respect and make a positive impression wherever you go.
Whether it’s for a kind gesture, a meal, or just getting help with directions, knowing how to say “thank you” in the local language can really improve your travel experience. From “Gracias” in Spanish to “Arigato” in Japanese, every version of “thank you” helps you connect better with people.
Keep reading for how to say “thank you” in 100 different languages. This list is perfect for travelers who want to show their gratitude across the globe.
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How to Say Thank You in Different Languages
Language | Thank You (English Spelling) | Phonetic Pronunciation |
English | Thank you | Thank you |
Mandarin Chinese | 谢谢 (Xièxiè) | Shyeah-shyeah |
Hindi | धन्यवाद (Dhanyavād) | Dha-nya-vad |
Spanish | Gracias | Gra-see-as |
French | Merci | Mehr-see |
Standard Arabic | شكرا (Shukran) | Shook-ran |
Bengali | ধন্যবাদ (Dhonnobad) | Dhon-no-bad |
Russian | Спасибо (Spasibo) | Spah-see-bo |
Portuguese | Obrigado/Obrigada | Oh-bree-gah-doh/dah |
Urdu | شکریہ (Shukriya) | Shook-ree-ya |
Indonesian | Terima kasih | Tuh-ree-mah kah-sih |
German | Danke | Dank-uh |
Japanese | ありがとう (Arigatou) | Ah-ree-gah-toh |
Swahili | Asante | Ah-sahn-teh |
Marathi | धन्यवाद (Dhanyavād) | Dha-nya-vad |
Telugu | ధన్యవాదాలు (Dhanyavādālu) | Dhanya-va-da-lu |
Turkish | Teşekkür ederim | Teh-sheh-kur eh-deh-rim |
Tamil | நன்றி (Nandri) | Nan-dree |
Korean | 감사합니다 (Gamsahamnida) | Gam-sa-ham-ni-da |
Vietnamese | Cảm ơn | Cahm uhn |
Italian | Grazie | Graht-zee-eh |
Hausa | Na gode | Nah go-deh |
Thai | ขอบคุณ (Khob khun) | Korb koon |
Cantonese | 多謝 (Dor je) | Doh jeh |
Persian | متشکرم (Motshakeram) | Mo-chak-er-am |
Gujarati | આભાર (Aabhar) | Ah-bhar |
Polish | Dziękuję | Jen-koo-yeh |
Ukrainian | Дякую (Dyakuyu) | Dyah-koo-yoo |
Punjabi | ਧੰਨਵਾਦ (Dhanvād) | Dhan-waad |
Dutch | Dank je | Dank yuh |
Burmese | ကျေးဇူးပြုသည် (Kyay zu tin ba de) | Chay-zoo tin-ba-deh |
Filipino | Salamat | Sah-lah-mat |
Romanian | Mulțumesc | Mool-tzoo-mesk |
Egyptian Arabic | شكرا (Shukran) | Shook-ran |
Malay | Terima kasih | Tuh-ree-mah kah-sih |
Uzbek | Rahmat | Rah-mat |
Sindhi | مهرباني (Mehrbani) | Mehr-bah-nee |
Amharic | አመሰግናለሁ (Ameseginalehu) | Ah-meh-seh-geh-na-le-hu |
Oromo | Galatoomi | Ga-la-too-mee |
Igbo | Imela | Ee-meh-lah |
Azerbaijani | Təşəkkür edirəm | Teh-sheh-kur eh-dee-rem |
Sundanese | Hatur nuhun | Hah-toor noo-hoon |
Kurdish | Spas | Spahs |
Moroccan Arabic | شكرا (Shukran) | Shook-ran |
Cebuano | Salamat | Sah-lah-mat |
Nepali | धन्यवाद (Dhanyavād) | Dha-nya-vad |
Serbo-Croatian | Hvala | Hva-la |
Hungarian | Köszönöm | Kuh-suh-nuhm |
Algerian Arabic | شكرا (Shukran) | Shook-ran |
Sinhala | ස්තූතියි (Sthuthiyi) | Stoo-thee-yee |
Northern Kurdish | Spas | Spahs |
Czech | Děkuji | Dyeh-ku-yee |
Greek | Ευχαριστώ (Efharisto) | Ef-ha-ree-sto |
Chittagonian | ধন্যবাদ (Dhonnobad) | Dhon-no-bad |
Zulu | Ngiyabonga | Ngee-ya-bong-gah |
Khmer | អរគុណ (Orkun) | Awe-koon |
Turkmen | Sag boluň | Sah bolun |
Kannada | ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು (Dhanyavādagaḷu) | Dhanya-va-da-ga-lu |
Xhosa | Enkosi | En-koh-see |
Pashto | مننه (Manana) | Mah-na-na |
Somali | Mahadsanid | Mah-had-sa-nid |
Malayalam | നന്ദി (Nandi) | Nan-di |
Saraiki | شکریہ (Shukriya) | Shook-ree-ya |
Hausa (Ghanaian) | Na gode | Nah go-deh |
Uzbek (Northern) | Rahmat | Rah-mat |
Yoruba | O ṣe | O-she |
Oriya | ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ (Dhanyabad) | Dhanya-bad |
Fula | Jërëjëf | Je-re-jef |
Romanian (Moldovan) | Mulțumesc | Mool-tzoo-mesk |
Balochi | مهرباني (Mehrbani) | Mehr-bah-nee |
Kazakh | Рақмет (Rahmet) | Rah-met |
Sindhi (Singaporean) | مهرباني (Mehrbani) | Mehr-bah-nee |
Hebrew | תודה (Toda) | Toh-dah |
Lao | ຂອບໃຈ (Khob chai) | Khawb chai |
Bulgarian | Благодаря (Blagodarya) | Blah-go-da-rya |
Tunisian Arabic | شكرا (Shukran) | Shook-ran |
Slovak | Ďakujem | Juh-koo-yem |
Belarusian | Дзякуй (Dziakuy) | Jzah-ku-y |
Sesotho | Kea leboha | Keh-ah le-bo-ha |
Lithuanian | Ačiū | Ah-choo |
Slovenian | Hvala | Hva-la |
Latvian | Paldies | Pal-dee-es |
Tajik | Ташаккур (Tashakkur) | Tah-shah-kur |
Bosnian | Hvala | Hva-la |
Catalan | Gràcies | Grah-see-es |
Croatian | Hvala | Hva-la |
Georgian | გმადლობთ (Gmadlobt) | Gmahd-lobt |
Ewe | Akpe | Ahk-pe |
Macedonian | Благодарам (Blagodaram) | Blah-go-da-ram |
Fijian | Vinaka | Vee-nah-kah |
Maltese | Grazzi | Grat-tzee |
Tigrinya | የቐንየለይ (Yekenyeley) | Yeh-ken-ye-ley |
Greenlandic | Qujanaq | Koo-ya-nak |
Montenegrin | Hvala | Hva-la |
Tibetan | ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེ (Tuk je che) | Took jay chay |
Tswana | Ke a leboga | Ke-ah le-boga |
Luxembourgish | Merci | Mehr-see |
Quechua | Yupaychani | Yu-pai-cha-nee |
Shona | Ndatenda | N-da-ten-da |
Guarani | Aguyje | Ah-goo-yeh |
How to Pronounce Thank You in Different Languages
I’ve shared how to say ‘thank you’ in 100 different languages above, complete with phonetic spellings to guide you.
But if you’re like me and find pronunciation a bit tricky, this video is a lifesaver. It walks you through how to pronounce ‘thank you’ in various languages, making it much easier to express your gratitude authentically.
Before You Go…
Now that you’ve mastered saying ‘thank you’ in different languages, why not take your politeness a step further?
Learning how to say ‘please’ is just as essential for smooth interactions wherever you go. Check out my guide to saying ‘please’ in 100 languages.
Related Posts:
- How to Say Hello in All Languages for World Travelers
- 100 Ways to Say Goodbye in Different Languages
- How to Say Please in Different Languages (100 Ways)
- How to Say Sorry in Different Languages Around the World
- 100 Ways To Say How Are You in Different Languages
- 100 Ways to Say Cheers in Other Languages (For Travelers)
- How to Say I Love You in Different Languages & Countries
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