
19 Best Places to Visit in Europe in December for Holiday

Although everyone is currently enjoying European summer, one of the best times to visit the continent is actually in December. The holidays and winter in Europe is absolutely magical and now is the perfect time to plan your trip. Use this list of the best places to visit in Europe to decide where to travel.

Whether you want Christmas markets, skiing, or a warm-weather winter trip, there is somewhere for you. Below is a list of the top places to travel in Europe in December that I put together with a bunch of travel blogger friends.

Keep reading to get inspiration to plan your winter trip.

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1. Rovaniemi, Finland

This image captures the mesmerizing Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) glowing across the dark night sky in Rovaniemi, Finland. In the foreground, there are several glass igloo-style cabins, softly illuminated from within, allowing guests to experience the natural wonder while staying warm inside. The green hues of the Northern Lights stretch across the sky, creating a magical and serene atmosphere in this remote winter landscape.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 23°F, Low 9°F, Rainfall 1.5 inches

One of the best places to travel in Europe in December is the small city of Rovaniemi, Finland. Located in Lapland, the area is a winter wonderland waiting to be explored.

In December, the top thing to do in Roveniemi is to visit Santa’s Village. The city is the official home of Santa. You can meet him, send post cards from Santa’s Village, hang with reindeer, and shop for unique souvenirs.

Once you’ve got your festive shopping done, head out to the countryside to enjoy the snow! Head out snowmobiling or even dog-sledding. Be sure to bundle up with snowproof, windproof pants and jackets.

While the weather is cold at this time of year, it’s also the best time of the year to see the Northern Lights. You need a clear, cold, and dark sky to see them, and Lapland has plenty of that. Sunset is usually around 4pm in December, so you’ll have plenty of time to try to catch them dancing in the sky.

Recommended by Pamela, The Directionally Challenged Traveler

2. Tbilisi, Georgia

This image captures the mesmerizing Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) glowing across the dark night sky in Rovaniemi, Finland. In the foreground, there are several glass igloo-style cabins, softly illuminated from within, allowing guests to experience the natural wonder while staying warm inside. The green hues of the Northern Lights stretch across the sky, creating a magical and serene atmosphere in this remote winter landscape.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 47°F, Low 34°F, Rainfall 1.6 inches

Tbilisi is one of the best destinations to visit during Christmas. The city’s mix of ancient charm and modern vibrancy makes it perfect for the festive season. In December, Tbilisi transforms into a magical wonderland with twinkling lights and decorations and a lively Christmas market in Orbeliani Square.

The city has so much history and culture. A few top things to do are explore the ancient Narikala Fortress, relax in the sulphur baths of Abanotubani, and take in the views from Mtatsminda Park.

The best way to enjoy the city is by taking a self-guided Tbilisi walking tour and learning about the history and importance of the places. Also, do not forget to indulge in the Georgian local cuisine.

Tbilisi is cold during December, ranging between 1 and 9 degrees Celsius. The cool weather adds to the cozy atmosphere, making it ideal for wandering the historic streets.

However, December can be chilly, and some outdoor activities might be restricted. But if you don’t mind just enjoying and immersing yourself in the holiday season, Tbilisi in December offers a unique and memorable experience.

Recommended by Raksha Nagaraj from Solopassport

3. Oslo, Norway

This image shows a winter scene in Oslo, Norway, featuring a person taking a dip in icy water near a floating sauna, with another person standing nearby. In the background, the modern and angular architecture of the Oslo Opera House is prominently visible across the partially frozen harbor, reflecting the cold, crisp weather. The surrounding buildings and a clear blue sky complete this striking urban winter landscape.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 34°F, Low 23°F, Rainfall 2.5 inches

Towards winter in Oslo, people start hibernating at home with hot cocoa and a blanket as the temperatures drop. Then, come December, there is a dramatic change, and the city comes to life! With lights, dining, parties, Christmas markets, thousands of people in the streets, and smiling faces everywhere, Oslo is a great December destination. 

Oslo in December is all about enjoying the winter and the holiday feeling, with temperatures slightly below zero. Go ice skating in Spikersuppa on Karl Johan Street below the Royal Castle, shop in the glittering stores, and have gløgg (a warm toddy with red wine) while strolling the Christmas markets as your warm breath turns into steam. 

In December, you can take the tram to the snowy Marka forest to go skiing, walk on the Oslo Opera House roof, and watch the beautiful icy fjord in the blue light. Visit the venerable Nobel Peace Center, Aker Brygge Wharf, attend a concert at Rockefeller, or spend an evening in the National Theater watching a classical play. 

In addition to all the interesting things you can do here year-round, December has an extra flare with its blue winter light, advent decorations, and cozy atmosphere in the snowy streets. Despite being a somewhat pricey destination for international travelers, visiting Oslo in December might make you fall in love with this unique capital!

Recommended by Hege from Travel To Norway

4. Lyon, France

This image shows a bird's-eye view of Lyon, France, highlighting the city’s architectural landscape with rows of red-roofed buildings and the majestic Lyon Cathedral in the foreground. The Saône River runs through the middle, with a bridge connecting the historic buildings on either side. The lush greenery in the background contrasts with the dense urban environment.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 44°F, Low 34°F, Rainfall 2.0 inches

Lyon is one of the best European cities to visit in December, especially if you schedule your trip to attend the Fête des Lumières.  This amazing Festival of Lights is one of Lyon’s best festivals and is held around December 8th.

Visit Lyon’s top attractions including the stunning hilltop basilica, explore the fascinating traboules in Vieux Lyon, and admire the trompe-l’oeil murals.  There are plenty of great museums to visit on a rainy day, such as the Musée des Confluences or the Museum of Cinema and Miniatures. 

Foodies will love a trip to Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse, an incredible gourmet food market. Be sure to eat at a traditional bouchon, known for cozy ambiance and hearty meals.  Or enjoy a fine dining experience at a Michelin restaurant!

The downside to visiting Lyon in December is the weather (expect highs in the mid-40s).  But as long as you dress appropriately, you’ll still have a great time!

Recommended by Lisa Garrett of Travel to Lyon

5. Amsterdam, Netherlands

This image shows the interior of a lively café or restaurant in Amsterdam, decorated in a festive, carousel-inspired theme. The centerpiece is a large, ornate carousel canopy with string lights hanging from the wooden ceiling, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Patrons are seated at tables enjoying drinks and conversation, while the surroundings are adorned with holiday decorations, enhancing the cozy and cheerful ambiance of the space. A young boy is seen walking through the scene, adding a touch of liveliness to the setting.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 43°F, Low 36°F, Rainfall 3.1 inches

Amsterdam is one of the popular destinations to spend December in Europe. It’s a lively city during this time of the year despite the fact that the weather can be wet and cold.

My recommendation is to stay central in Amsterdam. That way you can easily get to all the activities by foot plus whenever the cold gets too much you can always walk back to your room.

Now the Christmas markets in Amsterdam are large and busy. That however isn’t the only attraction. There is a light festival which is held every year in both December and January. Here artists from all over come to set up light displays.

You could take a canal cruise to see them or just walk along the canals. I preferred the latter because I could see the displays better.

There is also a great skating rink that is fun to spend time at. They even have stuff for kids so that they can learn to. If you don’t have skates, don’t worry you can rent them at the place.

Recommended by Penny from GlobeTrove

6. Abisko, Sweden

This image shows a small, snow-covered cabin in Abisko, Sweden, with the sign

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 16°F, Low 5°F, Rainfall 0.7 inches

Abisko, Sweden is one of the best places to travel in Europe in December for those seeking an adventurous winter escape and the chance to see the northern lights. December sees the longest nights of the year, increasing your chances of seeing the northern lights. 

Abisko is also one of the best places in Europe to witness the northern lights because of a natural phenomenon known as the Blue Hole of Abisko. The Blue Hole refers to a weather pattern where Abisko sees a high number of clear nights (you won’t see the northern lights through the clouds) and the area has minimal light pollution. 

Besides the auroras, you can explore the snowy Abisko National Park on snowshoes or cross-country skis, or even try ice climbing. 

Although advantageous for seeing the northern lights, the short days can be challenging; expect sunrise around 10:45 am and sunset by 4:15 pm. Temperatures will plunge well below freezing, so proper Arctic gear is essential for staying safe in Abisko in winter.

Recommended by Amber from Amber Everywhere

7. Malaga, Spain

This image shows a panoramic view of Málaga, Spain, with a focus on the city's iconic bullring, Plaza de Toros, surrounded by modern apartment buildings. In the background, the calm blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea stretch out to the horizon, while a few ships are visible in the distance. The green trees in the foreground frame the scene, adding a natural element to the urban and coastal landscape. The bright and clear weather highlights the beauty of this vibrant Mediterranean city.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 63°F, Low 46°F, Rainfall 3.3 inches

Malaga, situated in the south of Spain, is a great European vacation in December. 

The city offers a different Christmas vibe than traditional white and snow Christmas. 

It is sunny, and you will enjoy mild temperatures but still experience the Spanish Christmas atmosphere. 

See the Christmas light show on Larios Street, browse the market at Paseo del Parque and indulge in some delicious Christmas sweets like mantecados (Spanish-style Shortbread). 

Besides the Christmas activities, you can visit many of Malaga’s museums, including the well-known Picasso Museum and historic buildings like the cathedral. Spending time in the historic centre of Malaga is a must.

December is also a good month for hiking. Although you might experience a little bit of rain, rainy days aren’t the norm in Malaga, and you will probably enjoy sunny days with pleasant temperatures to explore the countryside, which is underrated.

There are many hiking routes near Malaga, such as Caminito del Rey and Montes de Malaga.

Recommended by Cristina from My Little World of Travelling 

8. Hamburg, Germany

This image captures the bustling scene in front of the Hamburg City Hall (Rathaus) in Germany, with its distinctive neo-Renaissance architecture and tall clock tower dominating the view. The square in front of the Rathaus is filled with people, some visiting a small Christmas market set up with festive stalls and a carousel. The bright blue sky and the modern glass structure nearby contrast with the historic building, blending old and new elements in this urban landscape.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 40°F, Low 34°F, Rainfall 2.4 inches

Hamburg is one of the prettiest cities in Germany to visit during December. And this is because of the Christmas markets, and of how beautiful the city is dressed in anticipation to the winter holidays.

Located in the North of Germany, Hamburg is easy to get to from any major European destination, with direct flights. The airport it conveniently connected to the city centre by train, in just half an hour.

The main reason to visit Hamburg in December are the Christmas markets and all the events around them. The Christmas markets in Hamburg are some of the most beautiful in Europe – but also pretty special.

Hamburg is probably the only city in Europe that has a sexy Christmas market, with a stripping Santa, naughty decorations, and adult only gifts. This is definitely a place where only adults can come to have fun.

For the rest of the family, there are plenty of other Christmas markets dotted all over the city, some smaller than others. The largest one is in front of the City Hall, where a Santa flies over every day in his sleigh, whishing everyone Happy Holidays.

When exploring the markets, don’t miss trying out the typical food such as bratwurst, potato cakes topped with cabbage, raclette, or the crispy roast pork with crackling. Besides glühwein, also try the liquor flavoured hot wine too.

The only downside of visiting Hamburg in December might be the weather. It often snows at this time, and the temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius.

Recommended by Joanna from The World In My Pocket

9. Lech, Austria

This image shows a charming winter night scene in Lech, Austria, with snow-covered streets and buildings. A cozy, well-lit hotel named "Hotel Krone" is in the foreground, its exterior adorned with icicles and soft lighting. In the background, a beautifully lit church with a traditional onion-shaped dome adds a picturesque touch to the alpine village. People are seen walking along the snowy road, enjoying the peaceful and festive atmosphere, with Christmas trees and lights adding to the seasonal charm.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 28°F, Low 17°F, Rainfall 3.5 inches (mostly snow)

If you are looking for a luxury ski resort in December, look no further! Lech in Austria is a truly magical place to be in December. It’s like a winter wonderland where big names such as Princess Diana frequented in the 90s.

The slopes are child-friendly, and I really enjoyed learning how to ski here for the first time! The idyllic village honestly looks like it’s from a Christmas card or festive jigsaw puzzle– I often visit countries across Europe, but I have never seen anything like this!

You can rent your ski or snowboarding gear and boots in the village, and it’s advisable to wear thermal layers as the days can be very snowy.

One downside is that the location is very expensive, but if you find a good trainer for the slopes, they may be able to guide you in choosing an affordable skiing trail and the best deals for equipment! 

Recommended by Caitriona from The Facts Institute

10. London, England

This image captures a festive scene in Covent Garden, London, during the holiday season. A vintage green car is parked on a cobblestone street, adorned with a large stack of oversized, gift-wrapped presents and greenery on its roof. The street is bustling with people, enjoying the Christmas decorations, which include beautifully lit trees and garlands strung across the buildings. The overall atmosphere is cheerful and festive, with the historic architecture of Covent Garden providing a charming backdrop to the holiday festivities.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 48°F, Low 39°F, Rainfall 2.4 inches

London is an absolute bucket list destination for any European vacation. The magic of London is in its ability to obscure time, taking you back centuries as you walk the streets of Westminster, or propelling you into the future as you ride the London Eye and gaze at the futuristic skyline.

Visit Kensington Palace, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, and Big Ben for must-see historical points. Then, tour the Tower of London and snap pictures of the London Bridge near the River Thames.

Add in a trip to the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum should London’s famous rainy weather prevail. You can easily purchase a Tube pass to get from one end of the city to the other, and I recommend at least 5 days to see the major sites.

London in December is especially magical, brimming with festive Christmas markets and glittering lights from Camden Market to Covent Gardens and across the city.

Grab a spiced mulled wine as you stroll through the holiday stalls and take in the brightly decorated city squares. Best of all, you won’t be fighting the summer tourist crowds as you explore the city.

Recommended by Jana Soli from www.itsjanasoli.com

11. Belgrade, Serbia

Aerial View of Belgrade Over the Temple of Saint Sava

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 43°F, Low 33°F, Rainfall 1.9 inches

If there’s one place to visit in Europe in December, I highly recommend Belgrade, Serbia. There are plenty of things to do in Belgrade during this time.

Like many other European cities, Belgrade has Christmas markets scattered around the city center, especially on the main pedestrian street, Knez Mihaila. Here, you’ll find local products like cheese and meat that are must-tries.

Another reason I can’t stop recommending Belgrade, no matter the time of year, is because the city always has something going on. There are always parties in the splavs—small clubs floating on the riverside—so there’s always a lively atmosphere.

The food in Belgrade is amazing, and the Skadarlija district is home to some of the best restaurants and bars in the city. Be sure to visit Zavičaj, one of the best spots for local cuisine.

December in Belgrade can be cold, so I recommend spending some time in the city’s cozy coffee shops, and don’t miss trying Krofne, a Serbian doughnut that’s absolutely worth it.

You need to visit Belgrade in December for its vibrant atmosphere and incredible food!

Recommended by Brenda from Traveleira.com

12. Lisbon, Portugal

This image showcases a grand Christmas tree illuminated with thousands of lights, standing tall in Praça do Comércio, Lisbon, Portugal. The tree is the focal point of the square, with a bright star on top, drawing crowds of people who are enjoying the festive display. In the background, the iconic Arco da Rua Augusta, a large neoclassical arch, is also lit up, complementing the holiday atmosphere of the historic square. The dark night sky enhances the brilliance of the tree's lights and the surrounding decorations.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 59°F, Low 47°F, Rainfall 4.3 inches

Lisbon is a fantastic destination in December, blending a mild winter weather with festive charm, and rich cultural experiences.

During December, Lisbon transforms into a festive wonderland with beautifully decorated streets, twinkling lights, and lively Christmas markets. Key spots like Rossio Square and Praça do Comércio feature impressive displays, making evening strolls particularly delightful as each corner and praça in Lisbon has its own take on the event.

Visitors can enjoy traditional Portuguese holiday treats, such as Rabanadas (Portuguese French toast), and Bolo-rei (Portuguese king cake). As well as your typical Lisbon food and drinks like Pastéis de Nata and Ginjinha.

The quieter tourist season allows for a more relaxed experience while visiting some of the city’s iconic sites, including the São Jorge Castle and Jerónimos Monastery.

Overall, Lisbon in December offers a warm, festive atmosphere perfect for a winter getaway, and a glimpse into a quieter but festive side of Portugal.

Recommended by Ana from We Travel Portugal

13. Edinburgh, Scotland

This image captures a lively Christmas market in Edinburgh, Scotland, with rows of festive stalls adorned with lights and decorations, set under bare trees. Visitors stroll along the path, browsing the various goods and enjoying the holiday atmosphere. The vibrant red roofs of the stalls and the warm glow of the lights create a cozy, inviting scene amid the cool evening.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 44°F, Low 34°F, Rainfall 2.3 inches

If you are planning a European holiday in December, why not visit the Scottish capital city of Edinburgh? From exploring a towering medieval castle to hiking up a hill for a grand panoramic view – there are many amazing things to do in Edinburgh. Moreover, the Old and New Town of Edinburgh is a Unesco World Heritage Site.

December is the time when this magical city hosts its famous Christmas Market at the Princes Street Gardens. There are various beautifully decorated stalls selling traditional crafts, gifts, and delicious treats.

You can participate in many fun activities, like taking a ride on the gigantic Big Wheel and the Star Flyer. Plus, Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Botanic Garden host various Christmas special events for all age groups. 

Hogmanay is an integral part of Edinburgh’s Christmas celebrations. It is a three-day annual celebration from 30th December to New Year’s Day, when the city comes to life with street parties, fireworks and live music.

Recommended by Moumita from Chasing the Long Road

14. Limassol, Cyprus

This image depicts a coastal scene in Limassol, Cyprus, featuring striking white rock formations that meet the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The sky is partly cloudy with the sun peeking through, casting a soft glow over the landscape. In the foreground, two figures—a person and a child—stand on the rocks, gazing out towards the sea, adding a sense of scale and tranquility to the scene.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 65°F, Low 50°F, Rainfall 4.2 inches

Limassol, located on the southern coast of Cyprus along the Mediterranean, is the island’s second-largest city. Unlike many European cities, Limassol doesn’t get snow in December; temperatures range between 10 to 18 degrees Celsius, making it an excellent holiday destination.

Consider staying in a hotel with a heated indoor pool for cooler, rainy days, but you might still swim in the sea if you don’t mind colder water. Recommended hotels include Parklane, Amathus, Four Seasons, and Amara. For casino enthusiasts, Limassol offers “City of Dreams,” the largest casino resort in Europe.

December is also great for exploring Limassol’s surroundings. Visit the white stones and charming villages like Kalavasos, the fishing village of Zygi, and Lefkara, known for lace and silver crafts.

The city and villages are beautifully decorated for Christmas, with some offering special holiday activities. Enjoy wandering through the old town and marina, which have many restaurants and bars.

The downside of visiting in December is the possibility of rain, limiting activities. It’s also a quieter, less touristy season, so vibrant nightlife is less common.

Recommended by Nofar Ronen from Traveling Outside the Box

15. Vienna, Austria

This image shows a festive Christmas market in Vienna, Austria, with a grand archway of lights and decorations framing the view. The arch is adorned with large, illuminated ornaments and candles, while the words

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 39°F, Low 30°F, Rainfall 1.9 inches

Vienna, Austria is the perfect place to visit in December! It’s Christmas time and Europe has the best Christmas Markets. Vienna was among the first Christmas markets in the world, starting from 1298.

The vibrant city hosts 20 different markets from mid-November to late December. Most of the markets are located near historic buildings, but you’ll find smaller ones on side streets or near local churches. 

One of the ‘don’t-miss’ markets is at Rathaus City Hall (shown in photo), Vienna’s most important non-religious building in the Neo-Gothic style. It is the official seat of the Mayor and the meeting place of the city senate/provincial government.

The Rathaus Market offers outdoor free concerts and an ice skating circuit (3000 square meters) where you can rent ice skates.

December is the perfect time to experience this beautiful city. The only downside would be the cold temperatures or the crowds that come to the Christmas Markets. 

Recommended by Jan from JanAdventures

16. Nice, France

This image depicts Place Masséna, a large square in Nice, France, characterized by its distinctive black-and-white checkered pavement. The square is surrounded by colorful, historic buildings with red, pink, and yellow facades. Tall, modern sculptures of seated figures, perched atop high poles, add an artistic touch to the open space. Despite the overcast sky and wet ground, people are seen walking and enjoying the open area, giving the scene a blend of historical charm and contemporary art.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 55°F, Low 42°F, Rainfall 3.5 inches

December is a great month to visit Nice in Côte d’Azur. Freed from the summer heat and the influx of tourists, this city takes on a truly unique, relaxed vibe in winter. The downside is that winter days are shorter, which leaves less time for outdoor sightseeing. Still, Nice is beautiful any time of day.

Avid swimmers will appreciate a dip in the azure waves of the Mediterranean. The water temperature in December hovers around 14°C, and there are many swimmers this time of year, so the spirit of camaraderie is very much alive.

After (or instead of) the refreshing dip, enjoy a cup of coffee with freshly baked viennoiseries in one of the cozy cafés along the Promenade des Anglais.

Then take a walk through Vieille Ville, the city’s old town. In December, Nice is beautifully decorated for Christmas, and there is the Village de Noël, a vibrant Christmas market near Place Masséna, the main square of Nice.  

Other must-visits include Castle Hill, offering a panoramic view of the seaside, and the lively Cours Saleya markets. The artistic scene is rich in the city, with the Matisse and Chagall museums among the top recommendations.

Recommended by Inessa and Natalie of Through a Travel Lens

17. Milan, Italy

This image features the stunning Duomo di Milano (Milan Cathedral), a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, bathed in sunlight. The cathedral's intricate spires and detailed façade dominate the scene, with a crowd of people gathered in Piazza del Duomo, the large square in front of the building. The bright, clear sky complements the light-colored marble of the cathedral, while a portion of the surrounding historic buildings, including the Italian flag, is visible on the right side, adding to the grandeur of this iconic Milan landmark.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 43°F, Low 31°F, Rainfall 2.2 inches

December is one of the best times of the year to visit Milan, and it’s my favorite vacation destination in Italy. The city transforms into a winter wonderland, with festive lights and decorations everywhere.

Start your visit at the iconic Duomo di Milano—seeing this stunning cathedral with a giant Christmas tree in front is truly special. Plus, the views from the rooftop are breathtaking. On a clear day, you can even see the Swiss Alps and Apennines in the distance!

Before you visit, make sure to read up on the Duomo Milan dress code so you don’t get turned away at the door. It’s a stunning place you won’t want to miss, and a little preparation ensures you can fully enjoy the experience.

Another top thing to do is to shop at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milan’s 19th-century shopping mall that’s as elegant as it is historic. It’s the perfect place to find luxury gifts (for family or yourself!) or simply soak in the gorgeous architecture.

If you love art, you’ll want to visit the Accademia Gallery where you can see Michelangelo’s Statue of David.

Be sure to check out the Oh Bej! Oh Bej! Christmas market, which usually runs from December 7th to 10th, and the Milanese Christmas lights show, which lights up the city from early December through the New Year.

The only downside to visit in December is it can be chilly with temperatures around 4-8°C. However, just pack warmly, and you’ll experience Milan at its most enchanting time of the year!

Recommended by Jade Chan of NamastetoNihao

18. Prague, Czech Republic

This image captures a festive Christmas market in Prague, Czech Republic, during the evening. A large Christmas tree adorned with golden lights and star ornaments stands prominently, with the spires of the Church of Our Lady before Týn rising in the background. The market stalls below, including one selling traditional

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 37°F, Low 28°F, Rainfall 1.5 inches

Prague is a fantastic destination in December, especially for those who love the festive atmosphere of Christmas markets. The city transforms into a winter wonderland, with several markets to explore and a magical, festive atmosphere to soak up at every corner. 

The most well-known market is in Old Town Square, but there are smaller, less crowded ones around the city offering a more local experience. 

Wenceslas Square is another great spot, with its market stretching the length of the square and plenty of food stalls serving local treats like trdelník and sausages. 

December also brings Saint Mikuláš Day on December 5th, a fun and interesting celebration where Saint Mikuláš, an angel, and the devil walk through the streets, handing out treats to children. 

While the weather can be chilly, with a mix of rain and snow, it only adds to the city’s magical atmosphere. A potential downside is the crowds and unpredictable weather, but the holiday spirit and stunning scenery make it an unforgettable time to visit.

Submitted by Erin of Wanderlust with Kids

19. Copenhagen, Denmark

This image shows a formal changing of the guard ceremony taking place in front of a grand building, likely a royal palace in Copenhagen, Denmark. The guards, dressed in traditional dark uniforms with green accents and tall hats, are marching in sync across the courtyard in front of the palace's grand arches and columns. The guards' precision and the stately architecture in the background create an air of tradition and formality.

Average Weather in December: 🌡️ High 39°F, Low 32°F, Rainfall 2.0 inches

December is a magical time of year to explore Copenhagen, especially if you love to visit Christmas markets like we do.  One of the top rated Christmas markets in Europe can be found at Tivoli Gardens which happens to also be the second oldest amusement park in the world! 

There, alongside the rides, you’ll find an amazing Christmas display made up of over 1,000 Christmas trees, 70,000 baubles and more than 500,000 fairy lights!

As well as Tivoli Gardens you can discover lots of smaller more localised markets in the city which you can enjoy as your tour the city.  In our opinion the most fun way to visit Copenhagen is by riding a bike. 

However, remember to wrap up warmly because the average daytime temperature is around 2°C (36°F), and there is even a chance of snow!  

Copenhagen is definitely worth visiting in December, because as well as having lots of fantastic outdoors places to visit, it’s also got some great museums and castles such as Rosenborg Castle and Amalienborg Palace to discover. 

Recommended by Sara from Big Adventures with Little Feet

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